Friday, July 5, 2013

Module 3 EDUC– 8842 Video Presentation Storyboard

The requirement for this assignment is to introduce a keynote speaker at a distance education conference. The chosen speaker is Lorraine Stefani, higher education professor at the University of Auckland. This conference will be held from May 31, to June 2, 2014. The central theme for this conference will be innovative learning-scapes: e-Scapes, play-Scapes & more. Keynote speakers will be addressing this overarching topic. The aim for this conference is to study the impacts that social media, mobile devices and networks are having on learning environments in higher education. As a means of providing insights on Professor Stefani’s keynote address, I will present a short video on Learner Engagement. The following my tentative storyboard.

Narration/Key points
Original music plays, with graphical display of: “2014 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference.” (10 seconds).

I will welcome everyone to 2014 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference.  I will state that the overarching theme for the conference is: innovative learning-scapes: e-Scapes, play-Scapes & more.

 Photo of Keynote speaker Lorraine Stefani. Retrieved from:

Welcome segment ends. I will state that my purpose is to introducing Keynote speaker Lorraine Stefani. I will also say that as a means of support for Professor Stefani’s topic, I will quickly explore elements surrounding the topic: learner engagement in distance education.
Learner Engagement in Distance education is displayed (3 secs). Short video clips of students engaged in online learning is displayed.

Upbeat, futuristic original music composed by Ena Smith will play.

Graphical display of : Use of Technology to Engage Learners (10 secs).  Short video clips of students using technology as they learn (30 secs)

Music continues. I will speak about the Use of Technology to Engage Learners, quoting Revere and Kovach (2011).

Video clips of students engaged in online collaboration is shown (15 secs)

Music fades and stops. I will continue to speak on Technology engaging students and add that technology also increase the level of collaboration at a distance. I will quote  Henriksen and  Roche (2012).

“Constructivists views on learning” is displayed along with this still image (3secs). Next, video clips of students engaged in different locations collaborating online. (1min)

I will speak the constructivism as one of the main theoretical foundation for most distance learning environments. I will quote , R. M., & Pratt, K. (2005). I will speak of virtual villages.

“Presence” is shown (3 secs). Next, Video clip of student daydreaming in class is shown (2 secs). Video of online student working at home is shown. (1min)
I will speak of cognitivist presence. I will quote Shea and  Bidjerano, T. (2009) and Palloff, and Pratt (2007). In terms of students presence online versus in the classroom. A student might be present physically in a classroom but his or her mind is elsewhere.

Video clips of students and teachers thinking (30 secs)

I will speak on Teachers and students roles in distance education. 


Video clips of students organizing notes and conducting research online.

I will quote Palloff and Pratt (2007) and speak of how Instructors will still need to retain the responsibility for teaching, but the decisions involved in learning really belong to students. I will say that it is essential to empower students to take charge of their own learning process in order for learner-centered, constructivist teaching can emerge.

Videos of Students and teacher using mobile devices will be shown. (30 secs)
I will speak of the use of Mobile devices to engage students and quote Beckmann (2010).

“The Need to Feel Safe Online” is displayed with this picture from (5 seconds). Next, video clips of students working online is shown ( 10secs).
I will speak of safety concerns and that  Professors must monitor flaming online, allowing students to feel safe in the course. Dr. George Siemens in his video stated that trust is needed in online courses and that individuals need to become aware of their personal contribution the group’s success (Laureate Education, 2008).

A short video clip of me speaking is shown at this point (15secs).
Music original music plays. I will say “As I conclude, I will now quickly speak of the issue of privacy  which can become a problem in learner engagement in distance education. I will say that everything teachers and students do within  online classrooms are never truly private.  I will state that New advances in technology can help create a sense of safety and security as learners maintain anonymity to a certain degree. Faculty and students should note that conversations in online classrooms are similar to having conversations on a payphone in an open public area (Palloff & Pratt, 2007). This is because administrators, deans, evaluators and technicians will need access if ever there are any issues with the course.

Applause audio clip is played here along with the still photo of Keynote speaker, Professor Lorraine Stefani (15 seconds).

 Photo of Keynote speaker Lorraine Stefani. Retrieved from:

Music stops. Concluding remarks comments at this point. I will say, “I have touched on topics related to learner engagement in support for the aim of this conference and its keynote speaker address. The aim of this conference is to examine the impacts that social media, mobile devices and networks are having on learning environments in higher education. Without further delay, I now present Keynote speaker, Professor Lorraine Stefani.”

Beckmann, E. A. (2010). Learners on the move: Mobile modalities in development studies. Distance Education, 31(2), 159-173. Retrieved from
Hannon, J., & D'Netto, B. (2007). Cultural diversity online: Student engagement with learning technologies. The International Journal of Educational Management, 21(5), 418-432. doi:
Harris, K. R. (2012). V-learning: Distance education in the 21st century through 3D learning environments. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 13(1), 43-46. Retrieved from
Henriksen, B., & Roche, V. (2012). Creation of medicinal chemistry learning communities through enhanced technology and interdisciplinary collaboration. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 76(8), 1-158. Retrieved from
Laureate Education, Inc. (2008). Learning Communities [Video]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2007). Building online learning communities: Effective strategies for the virtual classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2005). Collaborating online: Learning together in community. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Revere, L., & Kovach, J. V. (2011). ONLINE TECHNOLOGIES FOR ENGAGED LEARNING: A meaningful synthesis for educators.Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 12(2), 113-124,149-150. Retrieved from
Shea, P., & Bidjerano, T. (2009). Cognitive presence and online learner engagement: A cluster analysis of the community of inquiry framework. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 21(3), 199-217. doi:


  1. Wow! I feel like this is so extremely complete! After seeing this storyboard... I feel like mine is very incomplete! I don't think I went in the right direction at all.

    1. Reggie,

      As stated on your blog,I am one who practice writing all my ideas down. So for a storyboard, I personally believe that all ideas whether visual or audio should be described in detail. What are your thoughts on this?

  2. Ena,
    Your storyboard seems to be in a complete mode. I am under the impression that we are not talking very much for this presentation, however it appears you are explaining quite a bit of things. I like how you broke it into time segments. Now will the time that you have listed work, or is it just an estimate?

    1. Much thanks. I am still working on timing for each scene. For example, right now, this minute, I am playing around with different clips, trying to figure out which ones work best for certain scenes. This of course can change the length of time for each scene.

  3. Hi Ena. Excellent storyboard and nice use of visuals. Am excited to see the final product.
    Here's my blog, because I changed my blog site midstream, and I haven't had any comments from others yet... -Devonee

    1. Hi Devonee.

      Thanks. I posted the following to your blog. I would recommend that you first, separate all that viewers will see from all that viewers will hear. Second, make sure to describe these visual elements in detail and these audio events in detail. From there, you can work on length of time and transitional effects between scenes. What are your thoughts on my recommendation?
